Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

Last class of LTC, we were talking about how Eskimos (don't) have hundreds of words for snow. Despite the common misconception, it simply isn't true. Besides, we discussed, how does one define "Eskimo?" There are many different groups of people living in the Arctic, each with their own languages and cultures. Moreover, how does one define "word?" In English, would "snow" and "snowy" count as separate words, or does "snow" cover all of its "basic" permutations? And how do we define "snow?" What about "snowball" or "snowman" - are those terms describing snow? What of "slush," "flurries," or "blizzard?" In which case, how many "words" does English have for snow?

Regardless of what we call it, however, everyone on campus, speaking any language, can agree: today is a Snow Day. The first, but hopefully not the last.
What, you ask, does a Snow Day look like? What qualifies closing down a New England institution of 5,000 undergraduate and 5,000 graduate students?

A car used to be here. It got out. Lucky, lucky car.

South Hall, or Hogwarts? The snow helps blur the lines.

Here's what bicycles used to look like: summertime photos.

Snow-capped entrance to the living quarters...almost made it to safety inside!

A snow-hat, fashionable for lamps this time of year. 

Now that I'm safely within the walls of South, I'd prefer not to be leaving any time soon. Alas, food is required. "There will be no more time for writing. Adventuring I must go again." - Mother Night, Kurt Vonnegut.

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